March 2019


''Child's personality is never to be criticized, only child's actions are to be criticized'',  were the opening lines said by a professor of pedagogy and psychology on workshop concerning the importance of emotions in child development. Two seminars held on March 6, 2019, in Sarajevo, were attended by 35 teachers and pedagogues from 10 schools in Sarajevo Canton.
Favorite emotion for the seminar participants is love, as they said, when they are in love they feel like flying and have the feeling that they are the best people then. They also stressed what children need the most is love in order to be the best version of themselves.
Love provokes happiness, which is another emotion essential for the development of personality. The seminar participants indicated that the children were most happy with the good grades, praise and kindness. They find that the sentence "You're not good enough!" restrains the child and that in every situation one should look for a way to motivate the child.
Through the exercises, the participants of the seminar had the opportunity to learn about their own and others' emotions in stressful situations, and they shared their experiences in solving emotional and stress problems.

The publication "Emotional Diary" was given to each of the participants of the seminar prepared  by Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Snježana Petraš, during the realization of the project "Peer and Gender Based Violence ". The publication will help them learn to control and understand emotions.
In the second part of the seminar Professor Zilka Spahić Šiljak opened the meeting with mindfulness, one of the most powerful methods of training the focus of one's attention to the here and now. In addition, the meditations they were doing in this part of the seminar taught them to breathe properly, to control their thoughts, to be present in the here and now, and to understand the importance of being alone with oneself, they were taught presence in the present, working on the awereness of self-love and exercises and heart-awakening techniques.
"If you do not like yourself, you can not love any other people. If you're not good to yourself, you can not be good to other people either" said Professor Zilka Spahić Šiljak.